God Is Good!

The lord is Good!

This is the page were we and others share their testimonys

Maurice Blackmon

I've heard of the conversations you all have been having with one another and I wanted to let you know that it did my heart good. It's comforting to know that God is making himself known in the younger generation. I'm not so young that I'm ashamed to praise Him or thank Him. For God said that if I don't praise Him, he'll make the rocks cry out. I don't know about you, but I'm not about to let a rock take my place. There are times I did not deserve to prosper, but because of God's enduring grace and everlasting mercy, I'm here to testify about it.

I'm not a preacher, and I don't preach, but being in college, I don't get as much as an opportunity as many others to attend services on a weekly basis, so this is my way of praising God. There are so many dangers, seen and unseen that we could walk right into but the Lord protects me. There are so many that are out to destroy and devour us, but the Lord watches over us. There are videos designed to poison our minds and influence our decision-making, but the Lord makes his presence known in our hearts.

I am so grateful for the coming of Prophet William S. Crowdy. Coming from a Baptist background, I can truly say that if it were not for GFA I don't know where I would be, what I would be, or who I would be. People in school always compliment me and say I'm kind, well mannered, honestly, and friendly. I don't say this to brag about Maurice, but I say it to brag about COGASOC. This church has molded my life. Changed my heart, Fixed my mind, Repaired my wounds, Wiped away my tears, and  Removed my fears. I love God, I love my leader, I love this church, and I love all of my brothers in sisters in the house of

Let’s go out into the world, not saying that we are saints, but showing that we are saints. Let's not go to church, cry, pray, and sing, and then leave the church raising hell. The real service to God happens OUTSIDE of the tabernacle walls. It's how you treat your brothers and your sisters. How you treat your parents. How you treat YOURSELF. Let's get onboard with GFA and follow all the way. He will never lead us astray. He is the echo of the prophet, the high priest of God.

Peace & love,

Dennis Kelly

  First I would like to thank God for waking me up this morning and making it through another day. He is the head of my life and without him I don't know where I would be. Thanking him for our leader Rabbi Jehu A. Crowdy Jr. Grand Father Abraham, Who is leading this army on. God has been so go to me, I can truly say that we are serving a merciful God, a God who will save you in times of trouble.

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Ronnie Keeling

Through his grace i am here, Through his mercys i am here. Thanking god for giving me a rock to lean on. Thanking god for bringing me out of darkness into light. Showing me each day that we are all unique in our own way. Thanking God for blessing me and my family and church family with Grand Father Abraham, Rabbi Jehu A Crowdy jr. I thank you god and i ask you to bless me and everyone in the world.

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