Words Of Inspiration

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The lord is constantly bringing us in and out of darkness to show us the ups and downs of life

Be Patient

We should wait on the lord. For most of us it is sometimes a burden to do because we try to rush things, but I was told that if you rush a seed how shall it prosper? 


We shouldn't rush the seed that god has planted in our souls. We shouldn't put the seed to any waste, by letting the seed rot. What we should do is let the seed grow and nurture.  God doesn’t' give us things we can’t handle. He gives us things at the most appropriate time. So what I am saying is don't ruin what God has placed upon you, let your seed unleash to its full potential. For when it's done growing it will be greater than it was already.


Immortality should be not a destination to which one lives unsincerely but lives honesty and obedient for the reason that it is what God wants us to do and not because we want our eyes to behold the kingdom of Heaven

Gods Love

God's love has reined over us and shall continue to do so, but what good is his love if we are to spread it to others, instead we dispose of it after our needs have been satisfied. If this is how we use God's love then his love is nothing more than the flowers which come in the spring and leave in the winter.

What is the definition of love? Is love a feeling of intimate emotions or is love a mind state. We have to realize that god’s divine love is for us. But the love that he intends us to share with one another is brotherly love. Which is an act to share with your brothers and sisters of this heavenly fold

If we truly love god then why are we possessed with so much hatred upon our brothers and sisters. If life is a journey then why do u block out the direct route to the kingdom of heaven. If we are going to march all the way with God we have to first get our house in order.